HCS stands for the Haryana Civil Services Exam, which is conducted by the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) to select candidates for various administrative and executive positions in the state of Haryana, India.
The HCS Exam consists of three stages:
Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) – This stage consists of a single paper of objective type (multiple-choice questions) testing a candidate’s general knowledge and aptitude. The paper is usually of 200 marks with a duration of 2 hours.
Main Examination (Descriptive Type) – This stage consists of a written examination testing a candidate’s knowledge of various subjects and their ability to write essays, short notes, and other descriptive answers. The Main Examination usually consists of six papers, including General Studies, General English, Hindi, Essay, and two optional papers chosen from a list of approved subjects.
Personality Test (Interview) – This is the final stage of the HCS Exam and is conducted to evaluate a candidate’s personal attributes, including communication skills, leadership potential, and personality. The marks obtained in the Personality Test are added to the marks obtained in the Main Examination to determine the final ranking.
Eligibility: To be eligible to appear for the HCS Exam, a candidate must be a citizen of India, have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university, and must have attained the age of 21 years.
HCS Preliminary Examination
The Haryana Civil Services (HCS) Preliminary Examination is the first stage of the HCS Exam conducted by the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC). The purpose of the Preliminary Examination is to screen candidates and shortlist them for the Main Examination.
The HCS Preliminary Examination consists of a single paper of objective type (multiple-choice questions) and tests a candidate’s general knowledge and aptitude. The paper usually consists of 200 marks and has a duration of 2 hours. The questions cover a range of topics, including general knowledge, current events, history, geography, Indian polity, and economic and social development.
Eligibility: To be eligible to appear for the HCS Preliminary Examination, a candidate must be a citizen of India, have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university, and must have attained the age of 21 years. There is also an upper age limit for different categories of applicants, which can be found on the HPSC website.
The HCS Preliminary Examination is typically held once a year, and the exact dates and details can be found on the HPSC website. The results of the Preliminary Examination are usually declared several weeks after the examination. The candidates who pass the HCS Preliminary Examination are eligible to appear for the Main Examination.
HCS Main Examination
The Haryana Civil Services (HCS) Main Examination is the second and final stage of the HCS Exam conducted by the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC). The Main Examination tests a candidate’s knowledge and abilities in a range of subjects and is designed to determine the suitability of a candidate for the various administrative and executive positions in the state of Haryana, India.
The HCS Main Examination consists of written papers and a Personality Test (Interview). The written examination usually consists of six papers, including General Studies, General English, Hindi, Essay, and two optional papers chosen from a list of approved subjects. The papers test a candidate’s knowledge and ability to write essays, short notes, and other descriptive answers.
The Personality Test (Interview) is the final stage of the HCS Main Examination and is conducted to evaluate a candidate’s personal attributes, including communication skills, leadership potential, and personality. The marks obtained in the Personality Test are added to the marks obtained in the written examination to determine the final ranking.
Eligibility: To be eligible to appear for the HCS Main Examination, a candidate must have passed the HCS Preliminary Examination.
The HCS Main Examination is typically held several months after the HCS Preliminary Examination, and the exact dates and details can be found on the HPSC website. The candidates who pass the HCS Main Examination and secure a high enough rank are eligible for appointment to the various administrative and executive positions in the state of Haryana.